Vďaka sieti roamingových partnerov môžu klienti GreenWay využívať takmer 140 000 nabíjacích staníc, v 18 krajinách, najmä v Európe. Aktuálne roamingové stanice nájdete kedykoľvek v aplikácii GreenWay.
Number of stations in the roaming network
The GreenWay network enables seamless travel through Poland, Slovakia and the rest of Europe. Thanks to our extensive network of roaming partners, you will cover Europe with one charging card received after registering in our network, and you will receive the bill for charging both at our GreenWay stations and at the stations of our roaming partners, in a regular monthly invoice.
NOTE: Charging prices at the stations of our roaming partners may differ. Before using a given charging station, we recommend that you check the operator’s price list by selecting a specific station and connector in our application.
To avoid additional costs and complications, choose one of our monthly programs, Energia Plus or Energia Max, and “Roam like at Home“ - pay abroad as little as you do in Poland! You can change your monthly plan after logging in to our mobile application or the Client Zone, and going to the My Account section. The new plan will apply from the next day following the date of the plan change.
Important: When travelling abroad, please make sure you have your charging card with you, because some partner stations may not communicate with the GreenWay application. In this case, you will need to use a charging card to start the session.
Novú nabíjaciu kartu si môžete objednať kontaktovaním nášho klientského centra, alebo odoslaním kontaktného formulára.
Ak kartu stratíte, bezodkladne kontaktujte klientske centrum, aby sme jej zablokovaním predišli zneužitiu.
S nabíjacou kartou GreenWay môžete cestovať po celom Slovensku aj Poľsku. O dostupnosť staníc sa staráme nepretržite. Aktuálnu obsadenosť zistíte priamo v mape.
Mapa nabíjačiekKlienti v sieti GreenWay
Počet nabíjačiek v sieti Greenway